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Monthly Archives: July 2022

What Fluids Need To Be Changed In My Car?

What Fluids Need To Be Changed In My Car?

Vehicles require a lot of fluids to run properly and efficiently. Certain oils in your vehicle need to be changed and flushed at certain intervals recommend by manufacturers. Knowing the different fluids and which ones need to be changed is important in keeping your car running smoothly and without problems. Motor Oil Motor oil is the number 1 most common oil that should be regularly changed. Motor oil acts as a lubricator for the engine to operate without generating excessive amounts of friction and heat. Motor oil acts like a coolant to keep the hot engine parts such as the bottom of the piston cool and from getting too hot. Motor oil should be changed approximately every 3,000-5,000 miles or every 3 months depending on usage. Brake Fluid Brake fluid is essential in having properly function braking systems in your vehicle. In a breaking system, hydraulic fluid is used within a master cylinder to compress brake calipers. The compression of the brake calipers squeezes the brake pad ... read more